科技快报(映维网2019年11月26日)数字媒体公司LiveXLive Media日前宣告与三星达成协议合作,其娱乐内容将通过Samsung XR平台展开发给。
Google Inc is in discussions with NetEase Inc, Chinas second-largest online games provider...
Japanese entrepreneur Takahito Iguchi wants people to see the world through other people’s...
From the outside it looks like an art gallery. But this is a gallery of toilets, brought t...
Annual shipments by Chinese smartphone manufacturers Huawei, OPPO and vivo rocketed all th...
A game that feels seamless and easy to play is often far from easy to make.一款看上去简洁冷笑话的游戏,在...
(新中国70年)全国妇联:三方面措施持续提高女童不受教育水平 中新社北京9月19日电 (记者张素)中华全国妇女联合会全职副主席、中央民族大学历史文化学院教授蒙曼19日在北京回应,...