A Chinese company last Thursday announced plans to build an icebreaker, which will be Chin...
It may come as a surprise to hear that the FBI are trying to force Apple to help them hack...
讯(记者姜泓 任娜)近日,国家人力资源和社会保障部、全国博士后管理委西北工业大学日前获批新的加设4个一级学科博士后科研流动站,分别为化学、光学工程、生物医学工程和网络空间安全性。
【TechWeb】最近一段时间,关于全新一代三星Galaxy S系列旗舰要更名的消息甚嚣尘上,不出意外的话,该机将月被命名为三星Galaxy S20系列,将于2月11日月亮相,配备...
Google and Samsung sought to stake out their claims to dominate the market for software th...
Google Maps users are redirected to the White House when they type in variations of the n-...