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welcome购彩大厅登录入口-2014苹果新品iPhone 6和iPad Max关键字:更大 作者:趣购彩welcome登录入口    发布时间:2025-01-17

本文摘要:China Mobile, supply chain rumors are emerging about Apple’s next significant product releases. Digitimes reports that according to “sources from the upstream supply chain, ” Apple is planning to release a 5-inch iPhone 6 “phablet” this coming May and a large tablet in October.苹果公司和中国移动之间的协议尘埃落定之后,有关苹果下一款根本性产品公布的供应链传言又开始显露。

China Mobile, supply chain rumors are emerging about Apple’s next significant product releases. Digitimes reports that according to “sources from the upstream supply chain, ” Apple is planning to release a 5-inch iPhone 6 “phablet” this coming May and a large tablet in October.苹果公司和中国移动之间的协议尘埃落定之后,有关苹果下一款根本性产品公布的供应链传言又开始显露。Digitimes报导称之为,据“上游供应链的消息”,苹果公司于是以筹划在明年5月公布一款5英寸屏幕的iPhone 6“平板手机”,在明年10月公布一款大尺寸平板电脑。

The immediacy for a larger-screen iPhone comes partially from the Asian market where Samsung’s phablets have made significant inroads. Assuming that Apple’s agreement with China Mobile includes these upcoming products, the pricing adjustments that normally occur with new iPhones could make the iPhone 5C significantly more affordable and attractive to the Chinese market. This would begin to make sense of the 5C, which so far seems to be a sales disappointment for Apple. Perhaps the important thing about the 5C is that it is not the 5S, so that down the road it can be discounted without putting price pressure on Apple’s flagship.iPhone发售一款更大屏幕iPhone手机的迫切性部分来自于亚洲市场——三星平板手机声势浩大地攻占了这个市场。假设苹果和中国移动签定的协议还包括上述将要发售的新品,那么新款iPhone发售时一般来说不会经常出现的价格调整将使iPhone 5C对中国市场而言更加低廉且极具吸引力。而这对5C来说也是准确的方向——目前为止,苹果公司对该款产品的销售额极为沮丧。

也许关于5C最重要的一点是,它不是5S,所以将来它可以在不该苹果旗舰产品价格导致压力的情况下展开折扣。Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).” Previous reports have pegged the screen size at just under the 5 inches of Samsung’s Galaxy 4.据Digitimes的消息,更大尺寸的iPhone 6将使用“台积电(TSMC)生产的20纳米处理器”。此前曾有报导称之为,新款iPhone的屏幕尺寸将和三星Galaxy 4的屏幕一般大小(将近5英寸)。

Quanta Computer, ” in October. Samsung is also reported to be working on a 12 to 13-inch tablet, and it seems evident that “these large-size tablets will greatly impact ultrabook demand.” This “iPad Max” will be a defacto laptop with the addition of new cases with integrated keyboards and batteries and could well become a mainstay for high schools and college students who need better content creation tools than thos offers on existing iPads and iPad Minis.上述消息源还称之为,苹果将在明年10月公布一款12.9英寸的平板电脑,“目标消费群是北美的教育市场(和)……生产商是广达电脑(Quanta Computer)”。有报导称之为,三星也在研发尺寸在12至13英寸之间的平板电脑,而现在显然,“这些大尺寸平板电脑将很大地影响超极本市场需求”完全是板上钉钉的事了。

新款“iPad Max”,配备统合了键盘和电池的新款外壳之后,实质上就是一台笔记本电脑,很有可能在高中生和大学生之中沦为主流产品——这一人群必须比现有iPad和iPad Mini产品更佳的内容建构工具。These larger screen sizes will put additional strain on iOS 7 and developers who will need to figure out how to adapt their apps to even more configurations. These additional formats will provide some exciting opportunities for applications as well, and we can anticipate that iOS 8 will contain many features designed to accommodate multi-screen design.不过,更大的尺寸将不会对iOS 7和开发人员产生额外压力——后者必需找到方法,使自己的应用程序限于于更好配备规格。

而另一方面,这些额外的规格也将为应用程序获取一些更加激动人心的机遇,我们应当能看见iOS 8将包括诸多可适应环境多屏幕规格的功能。

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