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彩乐彩票welcome大厅-苹果新品发布会亮点多 iPhone仍是明星 作者:趣购彩welcome登录入口    发布时间:2025-02-08

本文摘要:SAN FRANCISCO — On a day when Apple showed off lots of new devices, the iPhone was still the star of the show.旧金山— 苹果公司(Apple)在发布会上展出了大量的新设备,但iPhone仍是其中的明星。

SAN FRANCISCO — On a day when Apple showed off lots of new devices, the iPhone was still the star of the show.旧金山— 苹果公司(Apple)在发布会上展出了大量的新设备,但iPhone仍是其中的明星。Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, presented the latest version of the company’s iPhone on Wednesday, along with several revamped devices in an event in the spacious Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.本周三,在比尔·格雷厄姆市政礼堂宽阔的大厅里,苹果首席执行官蒂莫西· D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)展出了最新版iPhone,以及其他几款升级设备。Mr. Cook called the new phones, “the most advanced smartphones in the world.”库克称之为新的iPhone是“世界上最先进设备的智能手机”。

Apple executives demonstrated most of the anticipated new features of the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, including an upgraded, 12-megapixel camera and a new capability called 3D Touch. It can sense how hard a user is pressing a button, allowing for easier access to different menus and information. It also gives users “tactile feedback” when they touch their screens. Pressure-sensitive touch screens are already available on the Apple Watch and the new MacBook.苹果高管展示了iPhone 6S及6S Plus的新功能,其中大多在外界的预期之中,还包括升级的1200万像素摄像头,以及取名为3D Touch的三维触控新功能。它能感官用户按下按钮的力度有多大,可以更加便利地关上各种菜单,取得有所不同信息。

当用户触碰屏幕时,它还可以获取“触觉对系统”。Apple Watch和新的MacBook早已在用于对压力脆弱的触摸屏。The new iPhones will also come in a new rose gold finish, with a new glass that company describes as the strongest in the industry.新的 iPhone不会发售一款新的玫瑰金配色,还配有了新的玻璃屏。

苹果称作业内最牢固的玻璃屏。The touch ID sensor has been upgraded and the phone will feature iOS 9, the newest version of Apple’s mobile operating system.新的iPhone还升级了Touch ID传感器,并将配备苹果移动操作系统的近期版本iOS9。

The new iPhone 6S will cost $199 and the iPhone 6S Plus will cost $299 with a phone contract. Prices for previous versions of the iPhone will drop by $100.新的iPhone 6S合约价为199美元(约合人民币1300元),iPhone 6S Plus合约价299美元。老款 iPhone将降价100美元。

Apple introduced its own payment plan called Apple Care Plus. Starting at $32 a month, customers can upgrade their phones every year if they buy them through Apple. The new phones will be available in 12 countries, including the United States, on Sept. 25. They will be available for pre-order starting Sept. 12.苹果还发售了公司自己的缴付方案Apple Care Plus。用户如果通过苹果出售iPhone,每年可以取得升级,而此项服务的起步价是每月32美元。

新的iPhone将于9月25日在还包括美国在内的12个国家发售。预售时间将从9月12日开始。When Apple unveils its latest iPhones each September, investors closely watch changes to the device in the hope they will be enough to draw in new or repeat buyers. The iPhone, which was first sold in 2007, accounted for 56 percent of the company’s sales in fiscal 2014, making it far and away Apple’s most important product.每年9月苹果发售最新款iPhone时,投资者都会紧密注目升级状况,期望它们不足以更有新的杨家买家。

iPhone最初上市是在2007年,到了2014财政年度,它对苹果总销售额的贡献约56%,毫无疑问是公司最重要的产品。Thanks to the first iteration of the larger-screen iPhone 6 that hit shelves last year, Apple’s fourth quarter of fiscal 2014, when the company had an $18 billion profit, was the most profitable quarter ever for a publicly traded company.去年发售的第一代大屏iPhone 6,协助苹果在2014财年第四季度赚了180亿美元的利润,刷新了上市公司历史上最低单季盈利的记录。“Investors have been rewarded by assuming Apple can continually push the envelope on what a phone and the company can do,” said Michael A. Sansoterra, the chief investment officer at Silvant Capital Management, which owns Apple stock.“一些投资者实在苹果可以大大前进iPhone和公司的境界,他们也仍然在取得报酬,”Silvant资本管理公司首席投资官迈克尔·A·桑索特拉(Michael A. Sansoterra)说道。

这家公司持有人苹果股份。But meeting those expectations is becoming a bigger challenge. In its most recent quarter, Apple posted quarterly revenue of $49.6 billion and a $10.7 billion profit; iPhone revenue was up 59 percent from the previous year. But those results still fell short of Wall Street estimates, and Apple’s share price tumbled 4 percent in the following day of trading.但是,超过这些希望的可玩性也在与日俱增。

上个季度,苹果公司的营收为496亿美元,利润为107亿美元,iPhone带给的营收同比快速增长了59%。但这样的业绩仍高于华尔街预期,苹果公司的股价在接下来的那个交易日暴跌了4%。Mr. Cook also presented a new, beefed-up Apple TV, which represents the company’s most ambitious effort yet to become the focal point of home entertainment systems. Apple TV already streams videos and music. Now it is set to offer up video games, shopping and travel tools, and user-generated content like live streaming through an expanded array of apps.库克还在发布会上展出了加强版的新款Apple TV。

这款产品代表着苹果公司为沦为家庭娱乐系统的中心而展开的尤为星舰的希望。Apple TV已不具备播出视频和音乐流媒体的功能,现在将通过配套的应用于来获取视频游戏、购物和旅游工具,以及用户分解的动态流媒体等内容。“Our vision for TV is simple,” Mr. Cook said. “We believe the future of television is apps.“我们对TV的设想很非常简单,”库克说道。

“我们坚信电视的未来就是应用于。”The new version of Apple TV also includes a remote control that could be used as a video game controller. The product now comes with a higher price tag that starts at $149, up from $69, indicating that the company is betting that consumers will think all of the new bells and whistles are worth the higher price.新款Apple TV还包括一个遥控器,可以用来操纵视频游戏。


Apple also introduced a new iPad Pro tablet device, which Mr. Cook called “the most capable” tablet the company has ever created. With a larger screen and optional keyboard (a feature already found in other tablet devices, like the Microsoft Surface), it becomes a device that’s more useful for the creation of content rather than simply the consumption of content.苹果还发售了新款平板设备iPad Pro。它被库克称作公司研发的“功能最强劲的”平板。这款设备屏幕变小了,并配有了附加键盘(其他一些平板设备,如微软公司的Surface已不具备这一功能),显得更加不利于内容分解,而不是单一的内容消费。

“It makes sense for Apple to reveal a new keyboard along with new, larger-screen iPads with faster processors,” said Toni Sacconaghi, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein Company. “The message being that Apple is trying to push the iPad to be more of a PC replacement, a converged device of a tablet notebook that has broader computing powers.”“苹果发售新的键盘和处理器更慢的新款大屏iPad是情理之中的事,”桑福德·C·伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford C. Bernstein Company)的分析师托尼·萨克纳吉(Toni Sacconaghi)说道。“它表达的讯息是,苹果正在尝试推展iPad沦为更加像替代个人电脑的产品,一款平板笔记本的聚合体,享有更加强劲的计算能力。Mr. Sacconaghi added that Apple had long rejected the idea that it would create such a device, but that some of the pieces were already in place. The iPad now runs Microsoft Office software and has a faster processor so it can handle more complex computing tasks.萨克纳吉还回应,长期以来,苹果仍然没接纳发售这样一款设备的主意,但实质上,其中的一些元素早已有了。

iPad现在可以运营微软公司(Microsoft)的Office软件,处理器也更慢,能处置更加简单的计算出来任务。Apple’s senior vice president of operations, Jeff Williams, also talked about improvements to the Apple Watch, including a spate of new apps including Facebook Messenger and Airstrip, a health care app that lets doctors coordinate patient care and monitor health data.苹果负责管理运营的高级副总裁杰夫·威廉斯(Jeff Williams)还讲经了对Apple Watch的改良,还包括新的辈出的Facebook Messenger和Airstrip等应用于。Airstrip是一款身体健康应用于,可以让医生协商对病人的医疗,并监测身体健康数据。

Drawing all of these devices together is Apple’s voice assistant technology, called Siri, with improved search capabilities that were prominently displayed throughout the event, especially on the new Apple TV.把所有这些设备联系在一起的是苹果的语音助手技术Siri。苹果对其搜寻功能展开了改良,并在整场发布会上展开了引人注目的展出,特别是在新款Apple TV上。

Befitting the Graham auditorium’s history as a music venue, the Apple event also featured a performance from the pop band OneRepublic.苹果的此次公布活动还有风行乐队OneRepublic的演出,交织了格雷厄姆礼堂作为音乐厅的历史。

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